Functional training: what is it?

The functional training has become very fashionable in recent times, especially among celebrities. But do you know why it has become so fashionable? In this post we give you the keys.


Applying the term in a literal sense, functional training is simply training for a specific purpose, i.e., training should achieve a positive effect on the activity or sport practiced.


This type of training clearly differs from traditional training done in a gym. In this way, the functional training allows multiple movements to imitate sports gestures and making functional progressions that will adapt to the demands of each sport or activity, whereas in the exercises performed in the gymnasiums, a specific muscle or muscle groups are trained, making movements in one plane at a time.


On the other hand, functional training and functional training uses a series of items such as medicine balls, pulleys, elastic bands or body weight to develop all these exercises itself.


In short, the functional training is a type of training  that can be practiced by adults and children, whose aim will be aimed at improving body function through movement re – education , which will result in improved neuromuscular efficiency helping Thus preventing injuries.


What are the benefits of functional training?

In addition to the benefits mentioned above, we could highlight these five:

  • It has a better body posture since it uses rotation exercises in the middle zone.
  • It favors the decrease of fat.
  • Improves both joint and muscle mobility.
  • Improves motor skills such as agility, balance and coordination.
  • It’s great fun since it employs different elements and materials, which helps to achieve the objectives previously marked.