10 typical mistakes you should avoid in your weight routines

The training with free weights is one of the most popular for improving strength and muscle. However, on certain occasions and depending on the individual qualities of each person, this type of training can be complex and cause certain mistakes that are very common.


Before or after, training with free weights should be one of the priorities of training once you have the appropriate physical qualities, since in daily actions we handle free weights at all times. Before that, you must know the 10 most common mistakes to avoid during your weight training.


  1. Train without training planning

It is really shocking to observe the vast majority of people who train in a gym without any material in which they have their training planned with the specific exercises and the appropriate training dose (volume, intensity, density, exercise selection).


Organize your workouts is the key to progress and achieve your goals. By contrast, improvising in each workout without performing each action without specific reason will lead to the most absolute failure.


  1. Do not control the rest time

Control the rest time between sets is necessary if looking for a target or another. For example, if you are looking to maximize strength you are likely to need 2-3 minute breaks, and even more. If you do not control this aspect rigorously, be sure that the adaptations in your body will be different.


  1. Not having a specific goal

No matter what type of objective you have, if it is realistic, but it is necessary that you mark one. The emotional component of the training makes it necessary to set goals so that you can know what direction your training is going and that it is effective and effective. In addition, he thinks that having motivations to continue training is important, everything in this life must do with a motivation or purpose, and not less in weight training.


  1. Train in the same way as others

Training as other people do will not help your progress. Think that your individual characteristics are unique and that therefore you will always need something different than the others. This does not mean you cannot perform certain similar exercises, but think that not all of your training can be exactly similar to another person.


  1. Have too much ego

To progress it is necessary to put aside your ego and not to think that lifting more weight is better, since it is most likely that with less you get the same or even better results. In addition, it is moving less weight you can probably control the movement much better technique, be effective on exercise and avoid a high risk of injury.


Be honest with yourself and try to control the security of your training above all else. Once you master this, you can progress without forgetting to do it with humility.


  1. Have too long training sessions

On many occasions, we think that more time and more frequent training will be better, and this is not true. It is believed that if 1 hour of exercise is good, 2 hours is better and therefore better results. Like the more days a week of training the better results.


Probably if you train in an organized and controlled manner for 1 hour, 3-4 days a week will be more than enough to progress in your weight training.


  1. Always do the same training

One of the most common mistakes in those who go to the gym is run the same workout for years. Obviously they will not be able to progress.


Our body is really fabulous and is able to adapt quickly to the stimuli that are provoking. That is to say, in order to progress, it is necessary for the body to receive different stimuli to avoid being “accustomed” to the same training. For this you must vary the amount of training, the exercises, the days of training, etc.


  1. Train Muscle Failure

Many people believe that training to failure, i.e. the point where you cannot keep doing more reps with the same external load, is good for increasing muscle strength.


It is true that training to failure is achieved activate certain bundles or muscle fibers  but recently a recent meta-analysis has been postulated that: “Despite the levels of discomfort and physical strain after training to failure, the training without reaching the failure generates the same strength gains without causing a high risk of injury and overtraining “.


  1. Have an assistant to lift “more weight”

When training with a high load it is advisable that someone watches, and is willing to help, if you really know how to do it, in case the technique is out of control or cannot perform more repetitions. However, very different is that someone helps you to mobilize the weight to continue doing more repetitions.


  1. Not performing multi-joint movements

Performing analytical and mono articular exercises can be effective depending on your needs but usually prioritizing global and multi-joint movement will benefit you the most.


This fact is because you will involve more muscle mass, you will mobilize your body in a natural way and you will achieve a greater increase of your strength. Exercises such as the squat, the deadlift and Olympic movements you will help improve your strength more effectively than by more analytical exercises.