10 challenges that a person who starts exercising should be

To be more efficient in any sport it may be necessary to make small changes to the training routines. For example, adding strength, flexibility and aerobics to your routines can give a new boost to your athletic performance.


There are a number of physical challenges that are really hard but feasible to meet for anyone who train consistently. In addition, these strategies will serve to check your physical condition and make the changes you require to improve.


Know what the 10 sports tests that any athlete should be able to meet.


  1. Execute a minimum number of workouts

This exercise works the upper body and consists of lifting your own body weight by flexing your arms. With it you will focus mainly on the muscles of the back and biceps. It is also an effective way to increase the size of the back and strengthen the muscles of the back and the core.


To perform them correctly:

  • Keep your body in a dominated bar for as long as possible, and then focus on the work of the shoulder blades.
  • If necessary use an elastic band or an assisted machine of workouts. There are other exercises that can help you get your first dominated.
  • Women should be able to do at least 4 to 8 repetitions and men from 6 to 12.


  1. Facing a 10K race

A marathon can be daunting for new runners, however assume a race of 10 kilometers (10K) is more likely to run. This type of racing is very popular among beginners, and particularly those who have made a 5k.


Ideally to tackle a race like this is to train at least 3 times a week to get fit. For example you can run 2 30-minute races on Tuesdays and Thursdays and do a long weekend shoot. If possible, add an easy 20-minute run to increase overall time.


  1. Run an iron for 3 minutes

Make a plate for 3 minutes is one of the best exercises to increase the strength of your core. This exercise is great for training the stability of the whole body, prevents injuries and builds strength. To do this, keep in mind the following tips:


  • If you are new to this exercise you can lean on your elbows and knees for 10 to 15 seconds. Rest and repeat 2 to 3 sets.
  • Add the time little by little until you are able to maintain a plate in the forearm for 30 seconds until you reach the goal of three minutes.


  1. Do 20 perfect push-ups

The pushups require upper body strength and stability of the whole body. When a right arm flexion is made, that is to say with a straight line from the head to the heels, they are coupled to the main groups of muscles of the upper train like the pectorals and deltoids. In turn, they also engage the trunk and leg muscles to maintain proper body position.


Run the exercise until you complete 2 or 3 sets of 8 to 12 repetitions every 2 days during strength training. If you are not able to make a full flexion can start them on the wall to progress to full pushups. Once you get it, you can try to meet the goal of getting 20 perfect pushups followed.


  1. Conduct Olympic Uprisings

An Olympic lifting includes full complex exercises to increase your physical condition involving the upper body.


For example, with this exercise you will build power, strength and speed, as well as achieving better coordination and stabilization of almost all joints.


  1. Run a long bike ride

Planning a long shooting in bicycle through a beautiful mountain area is an excellent aerobic challenge. To do it in a fun and effective way take the softer slopes or run the route quickly for longer.


To do this make sure you have a good bike that fits your body properly and perfects the basic skills to handle it properly.


  1. Cope with a strenuous walk

Planning a good but exhausting walk requires physical and mental strength, so it is a challenge for any sports lover. This type of exercise benefits your body when you perform it for a long time and under challenging conditions, especially when it includes climbing stairs or hills.


  1. Maintain balance with one leg for 15 seconds

It is proven that maintaining balance on one leg is associated with fewer falls. If you’ve never done the balance training starts slowly before further progress with this exercise.


To do this correctly:

  • It is advisable to run it in front of the door with both hands in front of you on each side.
  • Practice balance on both feet, with your eyes closed without leaning before progressing gradually. When you feel comfortable with that, practice balance with your eyes open on one foot without staggering.
  • Keep your balance without touching the jamb of the door.
  • Finally, try with your eyes closed on one leg as you go.


  1. Perform an advanced yoga pose

Face a yoga pose as bakasana or posture crow requires upper body strength and core plus balance and flexibility in the hip.


To run it properly:

  • Start in an iron position, lift your heels and place your feet toward your hands. The shoulders should be behind the wrists.
  • Bend your knees and in a deep squat position and place your feet closer to the wrists.
  • Press your hands on the floor, drawing your shoulders away from the ears.
  • Then slowly bend your elbows.
  • Take your core as you move the weight on your hands and as you send your hips up.
  • Place a knee in the upper back of an arm, so that you create a platform by the leg.
  • Place your toes down holding the opposite foot on the floor. You can switch legs to gain strength.
  • Finally raise both legs in support with your arms.



  1. Perform a handstand

This exercise requires a large core to run correctly. The previous year the crow pose can be excellent preparation for a handstand.


You can also do a handstand walking with the support of a wall. For example with a wall behind you, you enter that position and proceed to walk with your feet on the wall until your body reaches a 90 ° angle.


It is advisable that before starting with this position you perform it accompanied by a qualified guide or teacher, because there is too much room for error, misalignment and possible injuries at the moment of execution.