6 Ways to Add Variety to Your Routines on Cardio Machines

Whether you prefer to ride the elliptical machine or treadmill, use the cardio machines involves incredible benefits to any workout routine.   Despite this, cardio is not everything in a complete routine that really deserves to be, and if there is a type of training that mix well with it is that of strength and…Read moreRead more

6 things you should know when you go to the gym

Directed activities and traditional machines like the treadmill are safe choices when you are going to start going to the gym, but you cannot hold on to them forever.   If you really want a proper training and take advantage of your time there, the best you can do is start exploring everything around you…Read moreRead more

6 exercises you can do with only one wall

Many times we do not have the time or a suitable place to train, but that does not have to be an obstacle to not doing it. Therefore, we present six exercises you can do by simply using a wall and with which you can improve your fitness.   Remember that not by being on…Read moreRead more

5 exercises to protect your lower back

The sore lower back is one of the most common ailments suffered by adults and also one of the most difficult to bear: the thought of leaving the bed in these cases is unthinkable by concentrated pain in the back, but remain prostrate only worsens things.   The truth is that this is one of…Read moreRead more

4-week routine to get stronger legs

Many people think that abs or a defined pecs are more impressive than a powerful set of legs, but the training of the lower body is a very important part in every training plan, which should lead and develop good sessions this area body. In addition, the development of the muscles of your legs helps…Read moreRead more

3 plyometric exercises to burn more calories

We are in a society in which the lack of time to exercise translates into obesity and diseases associated with it, such as diabetes, hypertension, among others.   To counteract these conditions, there are many exercises that help you burn more calories in a short period of time also to help you speed up your…Read moreRead more

Growing As A Trainer

Once you have a broad and solid portfolio of clients your bargaining power in front of the facilities will be greater. This will help you to get better conditions for you and your customers if at any time you decide to change the installation. There are centers where, instead of charging the customer’s installment the…Read moreRead more

Grow as a Personal Trainer

While the previous article dealt with how a coach should be formed should he wish to live on it, in this post I will talk about the path that, in my opinion, would be appropriate to grow, strengthen in the sector, and end up having a Comfortable enough to live with relative safety. This process…Read moreRead more

Does Aerobic Training Affect Muscle Development?

One of the great myths that circulate through all gym training rooms, even occasionally endorsed by coaches with a certain prestige, and that as a personal trainer I have to constantly deny, is the alleged negative relationship between aerobic training and strength development And muscle mass. According to those who defend this theory, if you…Read moreRead more

Benefits of the exercise after 30 years old

From the age of 30, the physique of people who do not play sports begins to deteriorate. That is a fact. This leads to the appearance of health problems, poor quality of life, so that physical exercise and training is recommended from certain ages, as long as there is an advice from a professional. Currently,…Read moreRead more